좀더 깊게 알아야 할 'B와 C' 핵심 수능단어 [논스탑색시케빈]
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알파벳 'B와 C'중에 중요한 수능단어[논스탑색시케빈]
- Backward: towards the rear or a lack of progress.
- Backwards: a reverse direction of movement
- Begin= commence
- Start= a quick beginning
- Beside
a. alongside= at the side of
b. make physical comparisons; My car looks really small beside yours.
c. beside the point= irrelevant= beside oneself
- Besides= apart from= in addition to
- Bring: move something or someone towards the speaker.
- Accompany: go with someone to a particular place.
- Take: movement away from the speaker either on foot or using some means of transport.
- Bring up: raise children or raise a subject for discussion in a meeting.
- Touch on: discuss something briefly
- By: something that will happen at or before a certain time; I’ll get the lottery ticket by 5 p.m.
- Until: a situation that will continue up to a certain time; We didn’t know that we really had won the lottery until Monday.
- Calm: not excited, worried, or angry/ as a noun, ‘calm’ means a peaceful situation; The riot had destroyed part of the city, but now there was an uneasy calm.
- Tranquil: describe a place or a situation that is quiet and peaceful
- Canal: an artificial waterway for the passage of ships or the transport of irrigation water.
- Channel: a natural length of water that typically joins seas and oceans.
- Cancel: decide or announce that a planned event will not take place.
- Annul: a legal term meaning to officially declare that something is no longer legally valid.
- Invalidate: make a thing officially unacceptable
- Care about: be interested in or concerned about somebody or something.
- Care for: look after.
- Census: an official count, usually of a population.
- Consensus: agreement that is reached in a group(= a general agreement)
- Change: become different ,replace things, or exchange money
- Alter: change the appearance or character of something rater than to replace it completely
- Modify: become different in the sense of making something more suitable or efficient; The car engine has been radically modified to suit the new pollution regulations.
- Childlike: having the qualities of a child.
- Childish= immature
- Classic: refer either to lasting high quality or to something that is typical.
- Classical: refer to certain historical genres or periods as in ‘classical music’ or ‘classical literature’
- Communication: the exchange of information by speech or in a letter or message.
- Communications: a means of connection(road, rail, or electronic) between people or places.
- Compare to 명사: point out a resemblance between two people, things or situations; With his small eyes and thin face, he was often compared to a rat.
Compare with: show the similarity or dissimilarity between things that are usually in the same category; If you compare the sound of a pigeon with that of a cuckoo, you can hear the difference immediately.( 같은 조류끼리 비교)
- Compel: force someone else to do something.
- Compelling: refer either to something that is very interesting that holds someone’s attention.
- Impel: feeling forced to do something due to internal motivation.
- Impulsive: sudden action or behaviour without careful consideration of the consequences.
- Competence: having the ability to do a task adequately but not necessarily outstandingly.
- Proficiency: a more advanced level of ability than ‘competence’
- Compose of= comprise= consist of= include.
- Compulsive: refer to behaviour caused by a strong impulse that is difficult to control.
- Compulsory: refer to behaviour and actions that have to be followed, according to a law or official decision.
- Connote: suggest something implied or associated with the literal meaning of a term; A dog connotes a faithful friend and a lively pet.
- Denote: give the explicit meaning of something.
- Conserve= protect
- Preserve= maintain something in its original or existing state.
- Contagious: disease that are transmitted by direct physical contact with a diseased person.
- Infectious: diseases that are spread by germs or viruses in the air or water.
- Contamination: emphasize the process of making something impure.
- Pollution: the state where the process of contamination is complete.
- Content: in a state of satisfaction, happiness and peacefulness.
- Contents: the material or substance inside a bottle or other type of container.
- Convince: make someone believe that something is true.
- Persuade: make someone do something by giving good reasons or a convincing argument.
- Corpse(커어업스): a dead body
- Corps(커어~ㄹ ): an organized group of people
- Credible: able to be believed or convincing ↔ incredible
- Credulous: applied to people who are gullible and easily believe things
- Cry: produce tears
- Weep: cry quietly, usually for a long time.
- Sob: cry noisily in bursts
- Wail: long loud crying by someone who is in pain or is sad.
['좋아요'를 은근바라는 논스탑 색시케빈 소개]
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좋은 정보 널리알려졌음 좋겠습니다.
항상 응원합니다.