상변선생 수능완성 변형문제 연재 (4)
게시글 주소: https://games.orbi.kr/0003829473
13p 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
Other more everyday inventions also owe their popularity to the manufacturing technology used to process glass.
Modern uses of glass are a great example of the evolving science of materials. ( ① ) The discovery of a new formulation of glass paved the way for the invention of fiber optics, but it was the ability to manipulate this 7,000-year-old material and form it into ultra-thin, flexible strands capable of carrying light over several miles that really developed our methods of communication. ( ② ) For example, Thomas Edison’s tungsten light bulb was a remarkable invention. ( ③ ) However, it cannot be separated from the technology which was used to form millions of light bulbs cheaply and efficiently. ( ④ ) The glassblowing technology was a milestone in production. It has since been used to produce a multitude of products. ( ⑤ ) The sense of wonder in glass is not so much in the material itself, but more in how we have adapted and applied it in so many areas and how it exists in ways you would never have imagined.
14p (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Objectivity is authority in disguise: “Objective” facts always support particular points of view, and their “objectivity” can exist only as part of the play of power. But, more important, objective facts cannot be (A) [challenged / confirmed]: Objectivity discourages audience activity and participation. Rather than being “objective,” therefore, TV news should present multiple perspectives that, like those of soap opera, have as unclear a hierarchy as possible: The more complex the events it describes, the more the (B) [agreements / contradictions] among the different social positions from which to make sense of them should be left open and raw. The anchors and reporters should be less concerned about telling the final truth of what has happened. Instead, they should present different ways of understanding it and the different points of view inscribed in those different ways. So, too, they should not (C) [disguise / disclose] their processes of selection and editing, but should open them up to reveal news as a production, not as transparent reportage.
17p (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
I’m not a big fan of the term “me time.” It sounds at once guilty and self-absorbed, as if you know you don’t really need the time, but you’re taking it anyway. And it suggests that you’re doing something frivolous instead of a very necessary mental and physical (A) [recharging / emptying]. So let’s call it “personal time.” Personal time takes many forms. You might spend it running on a treadmill or reading in a cafe. However, if you spend all your personal time shopping, you need to find a new outlet. Shopping only leads to more problems. And don’t try to tell me that you find household chores (B) [exhausting / restorative]. I want you to take real time to truly relax. However you spend the time, do so with the thought that this is time you need to be alone in your head, to clear your mind, and bring yourself back mentally and physically. Your whole family will (C) [miss / reap] the benefits of a balanced, energized, happier you.
17p 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
Pairing two students of lower and higher math ability together leads to better performance on tricky math problems than either student could produce alone.
(A) This is because, when you have to teach someone who knows less than you, you end up learning the material better yourself.
(B) Poorer students can also help the stronger students to think about a problem differently or “outside the box,” which facilitates the type of creativity that is often needed to solve atypical problems in new, intuitive ways.
(C) It is not surprising that students who are lower in math ability benefit from the guidance of stronger math students, but it is interesting that stronger math students also benefit from these pairings.
① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
21p 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
When we give and give until we're exhausted, usually it's because we feel that this is the only way others will accept us or maintain a relationship with us. If we stop giving, they will stop loving us. We believe that they will accept us for what we can give them, rather than for who we are. We believe this because we have so little real trust in our own value - in our own selves. On the deepest level, we fear we're lacking in things that are essential to being a good person. Without our grandiose gestures of self-sacrifice, they will see through us to our lack of them. We aren't giving other people what they need, so much as what we think will shield them from seeing whatever it is in us that we think we lack. So we center our lives around them and keep making sacrifices for them.
① our desire to be with other people
② a way to raise our own value by giving
③ something you need to hide from others
④ things that each person need to be good
⑤ the reason people make sacrifice for others
상변선생 듄 변형교재 2탄 - 인수 N제 B형의 편집 및 교정이 완료되었습니다. 빠르면 이번 주 늦어도 다음 주면 책이 나올 것 같습니다. 다른 작업과 겹치기도 하고 중간에 편집이 붕 떠서 시간이 조금 지체되었습니다. 학원 학생들에게 문제를 풀리면서 검토과정을 거쳤고 문제 품질은 1탄교재 수준과 비슷하게 나온 것 같습니다. 이로써 올해 나와야 하는 변형문제집은 모두 나왔습니다. 수능완성은 지금처럼 연재하다가 10월 중에 배포파일로 묶어서 올려드리겠습니다. 열공하세요!
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감사합니다. 이제 이 교재 빼면 금년도는 다 나온거죠??
네 이번주나 늦어도 다음주에 나오는 교재가 마지막 출판교재가 될 것입니다. ^^
쌤이거 파일로묶어서올려주실수잇나요한꺼번에요ㅜㅜ
글 마지막줄에 올려주신다고 적어 주셨네요
묶어 주신다자나요 10월달에
글깨져서못봣어요 근데말투가 띠꺼우시네요ㅋㅋ
연세영문 이 님은 전에도 누가 자기친구 기분나쁠말하니 본인보고 한말도 아닌데 혼자 열폭해서 제3자가 보기에도 좀 이상할 정도로 반응하셨죠? 그거보고 다른분이 정신병자같다고 한게 확실히 공감되서 아직도 기억나네요.
그런 성격 좀 문제있다고 생각합니다.
여기답급달아도 바빠서못봅니다.
그래 그비판받아들일게 근데 이시기에 오르비에이런글쓰러들어왔냐 형은 반수생이라 뭐 아쉬울건없는데 넌아니잖니 형으로서의충고니까 57일동안오르비들어오지마라 그러다형처럼반수해 그래차라리이댓글안보는게너한테이득이겠구나 바쁜게좋은거다 열공하고 수능잘보렴 화이팅!
12345chal~ , contra disclose54321
12345 rechar~ restor~,reap~54321
2번에 disgu~아닌가여? Not 잘못보신듯
ㅋㅋㅋ 아 ㅋㅋㅋ 맞네요 민망해라 요즘 Not에 dis 아나un같은 부정적 접두사나오면 생각은 옳게했는데 답은 이상한거고르는 어처구니없는 실수가 많이 발생하네요 ㅠ
마지막 문제 지칭추론도 연계가능하다고 하시면서 올려주신 문제네요
페이지 순서대로 올라가고 있어서 또 올렸습니다. ^^
상변선생님 항상 좋은문제 감사드립니다
네 ^^ 열공하세요!
오르비 수험생님들!
저희 수험생들을 위해 무료로 좋은 문제를 올려주시고
댓글까지 친절하게 달아주시는 상변선생님께 감사하다는 말은 한번씩 하고가요!!
아이쿠 ㅋ 감사합니다. (__) ^^
수능완성 보고나서 올려주시는 문제 풀면서 복습하고 있어요:^) 항상 감사합니다!!
네! 열공하세요. 화이팅!
상변선생님 항상감사드려요!! 정성이대단하시네요ㅠㅠ 저기 쪽지로 비연계모의 문제집추천좀 부탁드려도될까요? 1년간모든기출/3년간평가원/사설 뭘해야될지모르겠어요ㅠㅠㅠ
기출이나 평가원 것으로 하세요. 사설은 다른 점이 많아서 비추합니다. ^^