2020년도 수능영어 29번 어법 예상문제 2개
29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
Human intelligence has its own considerable strengths. The fundamental human limitation of having a relatively small brain, constrained by the energy and physical space available to it, ①has resulted in a lot of evolutionary “cleverness.” Human intelligence makes use of very effective pruning techniques that prevent the brain from running in overdrive, attempting to process billions of potential situations ②of which only one or two might be useful. The expense of this brute computational approach is simply not suited to biological beings. However, what is clear is that the availability of practically infinite mathematical ability, and abundant calculating speed, do result in discoveries ③that our biological brains have not yet made. We are “blindsided” to some degree by the biological imperative to conserve energy and make the best use of our brains, ④giving their physical limitations. In this way, machine thought, which can leverage incredible amounts of energy and space, ⑤is fundamentally different.
*pruning 가지치기, 불필요한 것을 잘라내기 **blindside 불시에 공격하다***leverage ~을 최대한 활용하다
29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
Although modern medicine was founded in the 19th and 20th century as a science based on objective facts and experimental methods, one still doubts whether or not it is possible to describe health sufficiently in mere scientific categories. Obviously, our understanding of health and disease is not ①exclusively bound to the sphere of genes, molecules, proteins, cells, tissues and organs. There is no stamp on natural things which reveals ②them as “healthy” or “diseased.” It is the human ability to judge on current physical and psychical states ③bringing health and disease into being. We need scientific knowledge to develop efficient medical therapies — and we need reflection on the conceptual framework to clear the question, ④which of the physical and mental states are diseases. As a consequence of this peculiar relationship of descriptive and normative issues, our understanding of health clearly ⑤influences philosophical, cultural and historical conceptions (and misconceptions). *normative 규범적인, 기준을 세우는
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ㅇㅈ 10
어딘지 맞추긴 쉬울거에요 수능 사흘전 어디선가 찍은 사진
할 수 있는 활동은 다 해야 하고 학급임원에 발표에 쌤 이거 생기부써주실수있나요에...
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진짜 떨어짐?? 텔그 20프로 진학사 2칸씩 막 떨어지나,, 생각하니까 벌써 시무룩하네
아까처음담배펴봤는데 22
아닌가 사탐고르고 국수 펌핑시켜서 한약수 노려볼만하지않나
경영이 목표인데 그건 어려울거같고 경제도 잘 모르겠고 사회학과가서 복전이나 전과하려는데 가능?
일본어 잘 아는 편은 아니긴 한데 솔직히 개인적으로 한국노래 보다 좋다고 생각함
현역 때 정시 시작하면 삼수로 대학 간다
타로점 봐드립니다(2) 82
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기말이 12.5에 끝납니다. 12.10쯤부터해서 3월전까지 정시 베이스깔 생각입니다...
오늘을 즐겨!!
ㅇㅈ 12
은 오늘자 서울 어딘가
ㅇㅈ 1
69수 성적변화 15
6: 98 100 3 95 98 9: 84 95 1 93 99 11: 92 100...
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ㅇㅈ 3
그런건 없다 게이야 ㅋㅋ
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확통 92 점은 안 받겠죠?
무물보 받음 13
06재수생 과탐ㅊㅊ 16
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선넘질 ㄱㄴ
사교육 카르텔 ebs랑 부산교육청이 척결해주자
진 무물보 5
만날 술먹고 들어오는 한량이지만...
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수능 끝나면 며칠 내에 바로 내년 커리 준비하고 조정식t는 수능 끝난 당일에 26...
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4벙 5벙
4 5...?
4 given 5 influences
29번 선지 influence->influences로 정정합니다. 정답은 5번이 맞지만 influences가 아닌 is influenced by로 고쳐야 합니다.